Sponsorship Opportunities
Visionary - $2500
One Table - 10 Guests
3/4 Page Ad in Program - 5"x 6"
Champion - $1500
4 Guests
1/2 Page Ad in Program - 5"x 4"
Donor - $500
2 Guests
1/8 Page Ad in Program - 2.5"x 2"
Dinner Choices: Chateaubriand or Seafood Medley
Social Hour: 6pm ~ Dinner: 7pm
Guest tickets include admission to the event and meal.
There will be a cash bar during the social hour.
The Fine Print:
To be included in the program, all artwork must be submitted to bac@lionseyebank.org by COB August 6, 2024.
Ad Sizing listed is W x H. JPEG or PNG files preferred. Please address any image submission questions to BA Ciccolella, Administrative Assistant.
Donations to the Lions Medical Eye Bank may be tax deductible. Cash Value for Tickets and Ad:Visionary: $800; Champion: $385; Donor: $125.
FEI# 54-111656
For a small donation, you or your Lions Club can include a short personal message in the 45th Annual Dinner Program.
Congratulate the Eye Bank, Recognize a Stellar Volunteer, Encourage Giving the Gift of Sight, etc.
The possibilities are endless!
Messages must be text only. Maximum 3 lines, 30 characters per line.
Step 1: Fill Out this Google Form with Your Message
To Guarantee Inclusion in the Program, Form and Donation are Due By:
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Personal Program Messages
Step 2: Make Your Donation
Once your Form & Donation are received, LMEB will email confirmation of your personal message!
Once you have submitted both your form and donation, if you do not receive email confirmation of your message within 2 business days, please contact BA Ciccolella, Administrative Assistant to troubleshoot either by email or phone.